July 4, 2015 – For numerous decades the people of the United States of America and the world have quite passively endured deliberate and ongoing violations of the original Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitutions of the United States and Global Human Rights around the world.

With the recent ruling of the U.S. supreme court to uphold Congress’s “Sodom & Gomorrah Act”, it is now high time for true Christians to break with secular traditions, and declare their absolute right to Liberty and Freedom under the Powers of God!
Indeed, the war between God and the devil, which began with the creation & was then set in stone between Jesus and the Jews some 2,000 years ago, must now be concluded in this endtime.

For too many years Judeo-Christians have taught universal suffrage of lying corruption, brought on by the Jews and institutionalized in the governments of the United States and the western industrialized nations. But when Jesus said to the Jews in his day, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the deeds of your father ye will do – for he was a murderer from the beginning”, the church that claimed His name refused to contradict Satan’s children.
Because the churches have refused to cut with the corruption of the ancient evil, and establish the Kingdom of God on earth, we have witnessed an ongoing and unstoppable march toward ultimate destruction in this country.

Indeed, we have witnessed a government on all levels of society break every article, every statute, every law established by the original patriarchs. With the passage of every congressional act or law, starting in the early 20th century, we have seen a steady eroding of every one of the bills of individual rights.

Congress has laid claims to illegal regulation of all private matters such as gun rights and self-medication rights. It has flagrantly violated every one of the original 10 Amendments, and particularly Title 18, Section 242 of the U.S. code of conduct. It has decreed that U.S. citizens are now illegally placed under military law, and may be held indefinitely without charge.

But the icing on the cake is that now Christians are subject to the laws & vile affections of the Sodomites. This is where we must cut the ties with government.
It is bad enough that governments claim all rights to all our properties, but to go even further and claim we must all serve military murderers and members of the cult of Sodom & Gomorrah, has gone too far.

As representatives of the Western section of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, commonly known as the Copper Country, we declare a present & ongoing state of Independence from all government and institutions of the United States of America and its allies.
In the months to come, we will reiterate our position of Independence, Liberty and Freedom under God alone, and we will uncover the truths of how this country was derailed from the processes of Liberty by the most vile entities of the human race and finally demonstrate, in no uncertain terms, how to get back on track with the one true God and Creator of the universe.

We will demonstrate exactly how to rebuild new global economies that are both solvent & eternal – along with processes and products that liberate mankind for all of eternity through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior – soon coming to rule the world in place of His sworn enemies: Satan and the Jews!

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